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The Calm Before the Storm

Writer's picture: Margit KresinMargit Kresin

I woke up drenched in sweat. God's words were still ringing in my ears. "It is the calm before the storm." I jumped up and immediately began to sort out my thoughts, write down the dream and concentrate on God's word.

In the dream, God warns us of a storm that is imminently approaching.

It is a spiritual storm that will also shake us up physically. Something big is about to happen.

The Lord Jesus reminded me of the storm on the Sea of Galilee. He had laid down in the boat to sleep. Everything was still calm, but then, suddenly, the storm broke out and the disciples cried out for help. (Luke 8: 22-25; Matt 8: 23-27)

In the dream I felt the silent, tense atmosphere before an impending, unpleasant event, before a violent thunderstorm. I could see that it was getting darker and darker, that the wind was beginning to die down and then I could see the lightning and hear the claps of thunder coming ever closer. Tension was in the air. I heard God's words :

"It is the calm before the storm."

I woke up with a start when chaos suddenly broke out and the rain started, the wind got stronger and there was thunder and lightning. A great storm broke out.

Before the Second Coming of Christ

In the end-time sermon on the Mount of Olives (Mark 13), Jesus urged his disciples and us to be vigilant.

Before the return of Christ, a storm will brew of such magnitude that it will shake the foundations of civilization and threaten the survival of mankind.

Do we see the storm clouds on the horizon? It seems as if almost everything has changed. We should turn to God and His Word to understand what is happening and to maintain a healthy, balanced mind.

My task as a watchman is to warn and encourage

Just as God had appointed Ezekiel as a watchman (Ezek. 3:17), he had asked me many years ago to warn people – Christians and Jews – but also to encourage them.

Right now I feel that the Lord wants to warn us, but also encourage us.

Calm before the storm, then the outbreak of the storm, the upheaval and the thunderstorm and after that comes the calm, the relief and the peace.

We should look to the end. We should prepare ourselves, cast our eyes on Jesus, have hope, persevere and not allow ourselves to be discouraged.

“If you do not believe, you will not endure.” (Isaiah 7:9)

What does the LORD want to tell us through the dream?

After waking up, I felt a great urgency and waited for the words and warning of the LORD.

The Holy Spirit showed me three Bible passages:

Jer 24:9: And I will give them up as an astonishment and as an evil throughout all the kingdoms of the earth, as an insult and as a proverb, as a taunt and as a curse in all the places where I will drive them (Schl)
Jer 21:8: Thus says the LORD: Choose between life and death. (NL)
Hosea 4:5: And you will stumble by day, and the prophet will stumble with you by night, and I will destroy your mother. (S chl)

After a short time, YHWH, our God, began to speak:

God's message of December 18, 2024

My beloved daughter,

Do not lose heart now, but warn and comfort my children.

In Jeremiah 24 read about the parable of the two baskets of good and bad figs . It is a picture of the future of my people.

But it is also about taking the right decision. It is about the decision for or against God. It is about the way of life and the way of death (Jer 21:8,9). It is about the judgment of the bad, overripe and rotten figs that cannot be eaten. They are the sacrifices that I, your God, detest.

Warn my children: I will chastise EVERYONE, I repeat EVERYONE . What will happen to them at MY hand will be an example to all the kingdoms of the earth, at which they will be shaken. The disgrace will be great. They will become a proverb and an object of ridicule and curse. They will be like this in all the places where I, the LORD, will drive them.

Furthermore, my child, many will feel lost and helpless. They need words of encouragement and hope. And so I promise: I will not abandon the faithful and the righteous , even if their faith is as small as a mustard seed, there is still a chance to be shaken awake. Think of the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty". Many have been in a kind of deep sleep for years and now need to be shaken awake and kissed awake.

I will shake the sleeping Christians awake. They will be tossed about in the storm. They will cry out for my help (Psalm 121). They will place themselves under my protection (Psalm 91). They will listen to my voice and my word, for I alone am God, who has freed them from the captivity of Satan.

I will cause false prophets and pastors to stumble. (Hos 4:5) I will now attack the mother church, that is, the false church or the congregation of Satan.

God expects repentance and conversion

Repent, turn back. Keep my commandments. Observe my feasts. Keep my word and do not turn away from it.

Accept Jesus as your Savior, your King and your High Priest. He ALONE is the way, the truth and the life. He ALONE can bring you to the safe shore. He ALONE can bring you to me in my Father's house. (John 14:6)

Tremble and sin not; meditate in your heart on your bed, and be still! (Psalm 4:5)

You must be born again – you must be born again spiritually. (John 3:4)

You will become a new creature. The OLD must pass away and something completely new will emerge.


Beware of these evil dogs: the false missionaries, the prophets of mutilation! (Phil 4:2)

I am Yahweh your God! I rescued you from the house of slavery in Egypt. (Ex 20:2)

I sacrificed my beloved son Jesus for you so that you could be free. Jesus paid with his life for your freedom.

Don't let ANYONE fool you.

Don't let yourself be led astray.

Always put me first.

Don't make any compromises.

Follow my word, follow my commandments, follow my holidays.

Follow the example of my Son Jesus Christ, your King and High Priest.

Jesus has revealed to you everything you need to know. He has shown you the way. He is your shepherd. You are his sheep. His sheep hear his voice.

Follow my voice. Accept the help of my Holy Spirit.

I am your anchor in the storm.

I am YAHWEH your God – I am I, I alone.


Jesus says: Get ready, I am coming soon.

"Therefore, watch," said Jesus, "for you know neither the day nor the hour." (Matthew 25:13) Get ready. I'm coming soon.


The Calm before the Storm - God's warning
The Calm before the Storm - God's warning


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