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Rapture, tribulation, what's next?

Writer's picture: Margit KresinMargit Kresin

Jesus explains: Watch and pray, because the time is very near!

My beloved children!

I want to encourage you today. Many of you are desperate and feel hemmed in and under pressure. It is true, because in the time of tribulation you will be harassed. I allow it for several reasons:

  • Are you ready? Are you ready to go? Have you washed your clothes, i.e. your life before me and God the Father God in order? You can only come to the wedding of the Lamb if you have sanctified yourselves. Purify yourselves, allow yourself to be searched by the Holy Spirit and repent. Ask for forgiveness of your sins and be sanctified with the fire and water of the Holy Spirit.

  • Have you filled your lamps with oil and are you waiting for your bridegroom to arrive? Do you belong to the foolish or the wise virgins? (Mt 25: 1–13) Some of you are only half filled with oil and God's Spirit, although you believe in me; they have also given their lives to me, but they still walk the broad road and do not keep God's ten commandments. (Ex 20: 1-17) Follow me: I am the way, the truth and lead you to eternal life. (Joh 14: 6).

  • Do you trust me? Behold, I have given you authority to step on serpents and scorpions, and over all power of the enemy; and nothing will harm you in any way. (Lk 10:19) You will pick up snakes, and if you drink something deadly, it will not harm you; You will lay hands on the sick and they will be well. (Mk 16:18)

Surely you are asking yourself, “Do followers of Christ have to go through the great tribulation at all? Isn't the great rapture taking place? When does Christ come to take his own people? Before the Tribulation, in the Tribulation, after the Tribulation? " A rapture will take place: I will take to me (rapture) those who are mine (sanctified, pure, filled with oil). Only in this way can it be possible for the many passages in Scripture that state that I will appear in glory with my followers to come true. (1.Thes 3:13; 4.14; Jud 14 etc.).

But not all of my successors are ready to be raptured so far. Many believers (a remnant of Jews and Christians) will remain behind and will have to go through the great tribulation (the greatest temptation). Unfortunately, many believers are like the Laodicean church who are neither warm nor cold, but tepid and half-hearted. Nothing half and nothing whole - that means you are not yet ready to enter the holy kingdom of heaven. (Rev 3: 14-22).

You can see something similar in the Old Testament: Enoch was caught up before the flood, while Noah was saved through judgment. Enoch is a picture of the believers (saints) who have prepared and allowed themselves to be cleansed by the Holy Spirit, and Noah is a picture of the remnant. A difficult time begins for those left behind, but I have promised you: I will be with you every day until the end of the world. (Mt 28:20) Pray to the Father: “Lead us through temptation”.

But you, my dear ones, build your life on your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit and keep yourselves in the love of God and wait for my mercy for eternal life. (Jude 20-21)

Knowing that I, your Jesus and Messiah, will come is one thing, waiting for me is another. So: “Watch, for you know neither the day nor the hour” (Mt 25:12).

Watch and pray

ask for forgiveness of your sins,

be sanctified by my shed blood

and break bread with me every day.

With love and expectation Your King and Redeemer Yeshua ha Mashiach


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