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Now thank we all our GOD

Writer's picture: Margit KresinMargit Kresin

This morning I woke up with this prayer of thanksgiving "Now thank we all our GOD with heart and hands and voices". The chorale was written by a Protestant cleric, Martin Rinckart (1586-1649). It is one of the most famous sacred songs in the German language. It was later translated into various languages and has become an integral part of most parishes. The origin of the chorale is the Bible benediction passage from Jesus Sirach 50, 22 -23:

Now then, give praise to the God of the universe, who has done great things everywhere, who brings us up[e] from the time we are born, and deals with us mercifully. May he give us happiness and allow us to have peace in Israel forever. May he continue his mercy to us and rescue us in our time of need. (NRSV)

What did I want to thank GOD for? Why did this song never go out of my head.

Even though the world seems to be in a state of turmoil now, we can be thankful every day and praise God with all our heart because He is always there for us. GOD has formed and created us in the womb. He was with us from childhood on. I am thankful that for my children. With God's help, I have had them and I know that now that they are grown up, I know that they are safe with Him.

ABBA Father has placed angels at our side for our protection. We may rejoice in life. The creation of GOD gives us daily new strength and energy. The sun provides us with vitamin D, the fruit, vegetables and herbs provide us with more vitamins and minerals. We may rejoice even if it sometimes seems like only a small thing. I especially enjoy the birds in the garden or my cat, which wakes me up in the morning and asks for its food.

I want to thank my God the Father, for His Son Jesus Christ (Yeshua ha Massiah) and for His Holy Spirit. The Almighty and God my Lord, I thank Him that He is always there for me, that He helps me out of all trouble, that He is my provider and I can come to Him with all my worries.

Praise, glory and honour be to God the Father. Amen



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