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NOW - Hebrews 4 - God's answer

Writer's picture: Margit KresinMargit Kresin

God answered my prayers concerning the message from 21.11.22

My child!

I have heard your prayers and your supplications. You know that I am a just God and I promise again that I will care for my just ones. I will stand by you and your seed just as I stood by Noah and his family at the time of the Flood. As my faithful servant, you have taken on some tasks. You stand guard. Like Habakkuk, you go into your watchtower (your quiet chamber) and seek my presence. you worship me, you bring me praise, you read my word and you wait for me. You also want to hear from Me. You have learned to listen to My voice, you have learned to see what I want to show you my child and just like Habakkuk you are writing down the revelations. Often you hesitate to publish the message, you want to check everything. However, it is important that you proclaim My Word (the prophetic word) in order to reveal My Word to people, be they believers or non-believers, and to warn them. You live in the NOW time. There are only three times for me: earlier - now - too late.


Challenge your readers and hearers to read the fourth chapter of Hebrews and then write them this important message:

Dear children,

I, am the LORD, and I wish very much that everyone can enter into my promised rest. That promise still stands. There is still the possibility to look for me, to search for me in my own quiet chamber and to look for and find me in this peace. There is still an opportunity to turn to Me, to repent - STILL.

Many of you have been touched by the gospel, many have been baptized, some as children, but faith is weak - far too weak for the time ahead. You live for the day, accepting everything new without examining it closely, many enjoying the deceptive calm before the storm, others covering their eyes and ears and not wanting to see what is really going on around them. My heart cries out for every single human soul. Without faith you will not stand. (Isa 7:9) Faith means accepting Me as your Lord and Savior, your Creator, your High Priest and King, and following me on the path of truth to eternal life and to God the Father (John 14:6).

To believe is to trust Me completely.

To believe is to see Me as real and true even when I am not visible. I have appeared to the people. I have become human. I died on the cross for all sins. I rose from the dead after three days. I ascended to heaven. I am seated at the right hand of God the Father and I am coming very, very soon.

Wake up! Trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Trust the God of Noah. Trust me. Hoping for My intervention. Belief.

Without faith you will not stand in the near future - NOW. (Isa 7:9)

Without faith you will not be able to enter my rest. (Heb. 4:7)

Without faith you will not be able to hear my voice and will therefore be misled. (John 10:27)

I am the Word of God and I comfort you, but the Word of God is at the same time also an instrument of judgment and its execution for those who have not completely surrendered themselves to Me, Jesus Christ. God's Word will reveal the shallowness of belief or disbelief and wrong intentions. The two-edged sword (the Word) is sharp and will divide both soul and spirit. The word is the judge of the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

Kein Geschöpf wird sich vor Mir verbergen können. Alles wird enthüllt und aufgedeckt werden vor den Augen Gottes, dem ihr Rechenschaft zu geben habt. (Hebr. 4:13)

You are accountable to the living Word. (Joh 6:63, 68; Acts 7:38) and also to the living God, the Author of the Word.

I beg you, come boldly before the throne of grace. Beg for mercy and seek timely help and grace from your God. (Hebrews 4:16)

I ask you: Turn back to me, follow me, follow my voice and keep my commandments. listen to my word.

In love Yeshua ha Mashiah (Jesus Christ)


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