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Writer's picture: Margit KresinMargit Kresin

A prophetic encouragement

Last October I had a dream about beautiful butterflies flying all over the sky. They ended up here and there. The feeling of lightness and peace was in the air. I felt that they were free and happy. They spread a good mood and encouraged one or the other who observed these small butterflies. For this I heard the words metamorphosis, births, resurrection and revival. Then I felt that the Lord will send us a new beginning, a new birth. I thought of the long-awaited revival that was predicted not only in Germany. I was filled with an inner warmth and joy and I felt that this new beginning, this new birth is going to be something extraordinary.

In the past months and years, many believers, chosen by God, withdrew to their hiding place - to their quiet little room. Here they got to know the voice of God better, got to understand Him better. They went through God's special "school of faith", learned more about biblical symbols, about Hebrew basics, studied the Bible and were put through their paces and were healed in body, soul and spirit. Old wounds were torn open so that they could be cleansed and sanctified anew by Jesus' blood. Again and again they went through special and difficult tests. The fire of God purified, transformed and strengthened them. It was a time of searching, conversion and forgiveness. They were "reborn and transformed" during this time; they went through a "metamorphosis".

However, a new era has now dawned and God is asking His personally trained messengers - pioneers or butterflies - to come out of their cocoon and hiding place to carry God's messages of faith, hope, love and peace at a time like this one to proclaim. The things that have held them back will no longer hold them back in the days ahead. Every cloak of guilt, humiliation and bondage was removed and a new cloak was given to them. They have humbled themselves and the Lord has given them honor and new righteousness. God promises them strength and courage. He leads them into the land to be conquered and travels with them, as he did with Joshua and the Israelites (Joshua 1). With these messengers, our God brings forth something completely new.

The time has come; God commissioned me to announce His wake-up call: "Butterflies, wake up!! It's time to get out of your cocoons and out into the world. You are newly born and together with me you will carry the unusual out into the world. Wake up and come out!”

With the awakening of these diverse, colorful and radiant butterflies, the long-awaited global awakening begins. We will experience many signs, wonders and healings as our God once again pours out His Holy Spirit and baptizes them with His Spirit. It will be similar to the Pentecost miracle (Acts 2), but much greater. This time, however, not only 120 disciples will be touched by the Spirit of God, but tens of thousands of people. They will be rekindled with God's fire and I believe the word of the prophet Joel (chapter 2) will come true. I expect along with other prophets that God's sons and daughters will prophesy, the old will have dreams and the young will see visions. The Spirit will be poured out on women and men alike and there will be signs in heaven and earth of blood, fire and columns of smoke. Our God has called many people to serve Him at this time and to help their fellow human beings through the chaos and tribulations of the end times. They follow the path announced by Jesus, which leads through truth to eternal life. They follow the voice of their shepherd. I am grateful to God that I live in this time and can experience how our bridegroom Jesus will come again as King of kings to take his kingdom here. Let's follow Jesus' instructions together. Let's listen to his voice. He says: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me." (John 10:27)

Urgent Warning

John, Jesus' faithful disciple, warned us in his letters: "Don't let anyone deceive you! He who does what is right is just, just as he is just, ... for it is the last hour! Children, it's the last hour! And as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, many Antichrists have already come; By this we know that it is the last hour.” (1 John 3:7 & 2:18)

Please consider the warning words of Jesus in Matthew 24 and Mark 13: "... false Christs and false prophets will rise up and work great signs and wonders, so that if it were possible they would deceive even the elect." Just as God created spiritual butterflies ( true prophets), Satan, who is always trying to imitate and copy God, will send out his moths and moths (filled with lies and false spirits). These false prophets are so amazingly close to the truth that if it were possible even the elect could be deceived. We must face the seriousness of this warning. We have to learn to recognize which spirit reigns in our counterpart.

Please always ask the Holy Spirit if you are looking at a false Christ or a false prophet. Listen to your gut feeling, check the words of your interlocutor or the preacher against the Bible. Ask, "Where is it written?" Knows the Scriptures. Satan, our enemy, the serpent uses the same attack scheme over and over again. Note the deception of Eve (Genesis 2) and the temptations of Jesus (Matthew 4; Luke 4). “Jesus Christ faced the same temptations as we do, but unlike us he never sinned.” (Hebrews 4:15) Jesus dealt with temptations sovereignly and with omnipotence, always focusing on the Word, i.e. the Scripture, posed. The word is our weapon; it is our sword that helps us distinguish truth from lies. (Armor of God Ephesians 6)

John shows different criteria how we recognize the false prophets. It doesn't matter how many followers they have or how many miracles they perform. Their spirit is recognized by what they say about the person of Jesus. At this point it becomes clear whether it is God's spirit or a false spirit. So it says: "By this you shall know the spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God." (1. Joh 4:2) With this John wants to say whoever confesses that the Son of God, Jesus the Messiah, came into the world as a man. God's Son was born in the flesh (child, baby), grew up as a human, although he was God's Son. Paul said, “For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For if one believes from the heart, one is justified; and if one confesses with the mouth, one will be saved” (Romans 10:9-10). Do you believe that Jesus is Lord?

The false spirit is recognized as follows: every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not of God. Anyone who denies this fundamental belief is not of God; That doesn't mean that these people don't talk about Jesus anymore. Jesus is changed. As Paul said to the Corinthians, “You are easily deceived. When someone comes along and says something about Jesus that is completely different from what we have taught you, you readily believe them. You receive without hesitation a different spirit than the Spirit of God and accept a different message than that which we brought you.” (2 Cor. 11:4) So our job is to listen carefully to what someone is saying about Jesus, for at that point we realize what spirit we are dealing with. And whoever proclaims a different Jesus, speaks out of the antichristian spirit.

False teachers or false prophets (initially) work in secret: They specifically seek out people in the community who are susceptible to their false teachings. These are small but dangerous deviations from the truth, the Word of God. False teachers usually have many followers. They usually follow the broad way, live in wealth and because of them our faith in Jesus Christ, the first of the risen, our Savior and the Son of God, is often no longer understood or ridiculed and no longer believed. Check if these false prophets follow specific teachings and ask yourself if anything strikes you as odd. They are usually greedy and seek worldly riches. Other non-Christian organizations are often behind it. Unfortunately, each of us can be seduced very quickly and easily. Among other things, it helps me to scour websites for more and hidden information and possible dubious newspaper reports. In particular, I also concentrated on the meanings of abbreviations in the documents in order to discover the organization behind them or the hidden ideas.

John also points out that these false teachers are of the world; therefore they speak as the world speaks, and the world hears them. So you can demonstrate some success. The world listens to her. They talk like the world in the world's mindset and the world listens to them. They are often well-trained and articulate speakers. Unlike us Christians, crowds are drawn to them and their teachings are quickly followed. However, Christians are perceived as scum for preaching the message of the cross, and this will remain an offensive message through the ages. The church of Jesus is more and more often rejected or ridiculed by the world. It is important that we adhere to God's Word and the teachings of Jesus and his apostles (2 Thessalonians 2:15).

We followers of Christ can recognize false spirits by testing them by dealing with the Word of God. We recognize the wrong ideas because they do not take God's word seriously. Of course one can use and quote God's Word, but one can skilfully and continually twist the Word. There are many varieties of perversion, and we ourselves must be especially careful not to bend God's Word as we please. God's Word applies to all time. It is always valid and we must conform to His Word. When we are wrong, God in His mercy lets us see it very quickly. You are easily seduced. When someone comes along and says something about Jesus that is completely different from what we have taught you, you readily believe them. You are happily receiving a different spirit than the Spirit of God and accepting a different message than the one we have brought to you. We feel that we are wandering on wrong paths. Through repentance to God we are led back on Jesus' path of truth to eternal life (Jn 14:6)


Let us reach out our hand to Jesus so that he can guide us properly. Enter Jesus Ark (church). Let us follow the messages of the butterflies (true messengers of God), examine their words and beware of the heresies of false moths.



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