Now listen attentively, some weeks back I have been seeking the face of God to know what will happen in this year, 2022 and this is exactly what the Lord showed me. So this is the message from God for the year, 2022.
1. This year there will be severe economic crisis that will humble Africa. It will be severe such that not even foreign aids will redeem the situation because even the value of the currency will drop. What one thousand can buy, two thousand will be unable to buy. Here in Africa, Let us pray. This is a call for the masses not to depend on the decision maker's to boost the economy. We must all remember our humble beginnings and turn back to farming. It could be fishing, poultry, cultivating etc. Let us return to farming. Everyone will be humbled.
2. In Kenya, I see Kenyan are smiling over a change in power and a new political development which will take the country to another level.
3. In France, I saw two people pulling a rope on opposite sides. It was so tough but the one who was holding the rope before finally was defeated and left and there was joy in all angles in and out of France. I see a new leader to lead the people of France.
4. Those who will entirely give themselves to God will be preserved but those who still want to keep living satisfying their fleshly desires will encounter a lot of attacks that will humble them to seek God.
5. I see a serious conflict between two countries, which will draw the attention of the whole world.
6. In Cameroon, I saw a set of evil people setting on a round table planning on how to destroy innocent lives and they were hiding behind the crisis. In this year, God will expose many of them and they will be fighting amongst them. That they will disagree and betray themselves. Let us all pray against flood in this nation. Flood, a very destructive flood that will affect lives and properties. The Ministry of transport should do a thorough check on all the travelling agencies especially the buses traveling to Yaoundé and Bafoussam because what I saw was not good at all. Please let us take this warning seriously.
7. Pray for the nation Israel and Iran so that the conflict between the two will not become a bloody one.
8. An African President, Head of State, who has stayed long in power, is packing his load to travel to the land of no return. All efforts to rescue him will not work. Medical solution will not work this time. It is been long I have been praying for him personally. But well, I'm still praying.
9. The government of every nation should pay attention to the Pharmaceutical drugs, medicines that will be entering their countries because there will be a dangerous drug. This is an evil plan from the pit of hell to take people's lives.
10. Pray for the Royal Family in England, United Kingdom. What is the cause of this dark cloud? Is it sickness or what? Let us pray! I saw an emergency situation.
11. The people of Indonesia should watch out against natural disaster.
Let us continue to pray
God bless you all.
