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I stay tuned!

You are now travelling many years

 on the same road with me,

however, there were many ups and downs.

Sometime you go to the left,

altough I told you to turn richt.


When I said: "Stop! stop!"

you kept on walking the crooked paths.

You surrendered your life to me,

you promised to serve me

And I'm sticking with it, I'm sticking with it.


Often you have put yourself into an impossible position –

You ran in circles and couldn't get out.

You didn't see the way out;

This is when it grew dark around you.

Your hope seemed to fade more and more.

Then you saw light in the distance.

Eventually you heard my voice again.

You didn't feel alone anymore.

My promise was there at all time:

I'm sticking with it, I'm sticking with it.


You are my much beloved child.

You went your own way -

you got lost and were hidden far away.

I called out to you,

"Turn back, repent!"


You are mine.

I won't let go of you.

I'll stick with you, I'll stick with you


​Margit Kresin 2020 ©

Ich bleib dran
I saty tuned
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