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Bibles and Study Bibles

We are often asked about good Bibles. There are many good literal translations of the Bible.

Here are our suggestions:

  • MacArthur Study Bible

    Butcher 2000

  • Elberfeld Study Bible with language key and hand concordance

     Elberfeld Bible

  • Thompson Study Bible with Word Concordance

     Luther Bible or Elberfeld translation

  • Encounter for Life - The Study Bible for Every Day

     New Life Bible

Devotional books

We can recommend the following devotional books or reading aids:

  • The solutions

    God's word for every day

    (Moravian Brethren Congregation)

  • Day after day in Christ

     Devotions for the whole year

     Dr. Neil T. Anderson

  • The teacher and his student

     365 secrets of faith

    Jonathan Chan

  • Love is above all

     Devotions for each day

     A John Wesley breviary

  • A year with Spurgeon

    Terence Peter Crosby (Ed.)

  • Grace for the moment

    Devotions for every day of the year

    Max Lucado

Book suggestions
Book suggestions
Gott liebt dich!

Gott liebt dich!

Margit Kresin

Love letters from our heavenly Father, directions to eternal life -

(Foundations of Faith) and some encouraging poems:

  • Under the sun, under the sea

  • I'm with you

  • No matter where you are

  • Get ready

  • I stay tuned

  • Loose from the stool

ISBN: 978-3-740-77144-7

E-book ISBN: 978-3-740-70427-8

Back to first love

Tony Evans

God first:
With power into everyday life

When you just feel powerless

Noor van Haaften

Experience God's faithfulness

Come to your destiny

Maria L. Prean-Bruni

God created you as an original, don't die as a copy

Just with Jesus

Franklin Graham & Ross Rhoads

Live the discipleship

Proclaim the Word of God!

Monika Flach

Handbook for Overcomers

Cover God loves you!.jpg

The Book of Enoch

The blessings of Enoch with which he blesses the elect and righteous in the time of tribulation

Christsein von Kopf bis Fuss

Andrew Knowles

Life of faith explained

Every Woman in the Bible

Sue & Larry Richards

Their story, their questions, their needs, their strengths

Das Heiligtum - und der Weg zu Gott

Paul F. Kiene

Illustrative material for the most important question: How do I find the way to God? The tabernacle of God

Wie wir geheilt werden können

Christoph Hässelbarth & Dr. Peter Riechert

The good news that nobody wanted to know

Tom Jewett

Wholeness according to God

The seven feasts of the Messiah

Eddie Chumney

The prophetic calendar of his coming

The wisdom of the Torah in the womb

Hildegard Schneider & Dr. med. Stephan Bauer

This book shows parallels between God's festival cycle and the course of a human pregnancy

Gazing into Glory

Bruce D. Allen

Believers' birthright to a supernatural life

Jesus asks, "What do you want me to do for you?"

Promise of the third day

Bruce D. Allen

Your day of destiny has arrived

Promise on the seventh day

Bruce D. Allen

the fulfillment of every covenant promise

Israel's restoration

Holger Grimme

The lost sheep of Israel. Are we one of them?

Supernatural translation

Michael van Vlymen

Moved through space and time by the Spirit of God

Books for children and young readers

Kinder- u Jugendbücher

Practice book for youth Bible lessons.

Friedhelm Schröder (Ed.)

This is how I become familiar with the Bible

Youth Guide: Discovering the Bible

Brunnen Verlag

Discover the world of the Bible
Meeting the people of the Bible
Understand the books of the Bible

Grace for the Moment: 365 Devotions for Kids

Max Lucado

Grace is: God's best idea. . . More than we deserve ... And greater than we imagine. But how can you plant this important message of grace into the heart of your child?

Based on the bestseller: Grace for the Moment: Devotions for every day of the year

Immer an deiner Seite

Max Lucado

A kingdom in prospect. A journey through the dark. Encounters with those who deceive. And finally ... a victory. (from 4 years)

You Are Special!

Max Lucado

You are more important than you think! .... No matter how small and unimportant you feel, there is someone for whom you are always the greatest! (from 4 years)

Not like Robbers

Ursula Marc

Robber boy Tom can hardly believe that he wakes up one morning in a king's castle. The day before, someone had freed him from the dark cave in which the robbers had once again locked him. It was the king himself who brought him here. A new, adventurous life begins for Tom.

The story is a fairytale tale for adults, children and young people , in which people like you and me can find each other in many situations. Anyone who reads the story is affected, hit and feels understood. And one begins to sense what it can mean to be a Christian. Because the king really does exist. A lovable faith course in which the essentials are put to the heart with great tenderness.

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