Our history
"If you want what you've never had, then do what you've never done."
With this sentence I started the blog and website Message of Faith in 2019. Everything was new, but boldly I began to write and build the blog. In the meantime, not only have many blog posts been written, but I have also tried to explain what we followers of Jesus Christ believe in, what we place our hopes on and what the love of God and charity means. It's a big topic and I'm aware that I haven't fully explained all the topics. It is important to orient oneself to the Holy Scriptures, Jesus' statements and the statements of the apostles.
Glaubensbotschaft is truly my heart project and gets more attention every day. In the meantime I not only write down the prophetic impressions or God's messages, but I'm also on the road for the LORD in Germany and Africa to enjoy God's creation and what is much more important to serve people locally, to pray with them and with them to have community. Along the way I write short devotionals that I post on Instagram (GLAUBENSBOOT) and Facebook. In the meantime, my husband Siegfried, my children (they work in the background) and Wiza Nyirongo support me. You are welcome to contact me if you would like to publish a blog post as a guest or directly under your name.
Browse the site and join me on my journey in the ways of God . Learn more about God, about me and my passions and interests and discover things that inspire you and hopefully draw you closer to Jesus. I draw my courage and strength from the following Bible verses:
"Command your way to the Lord, and trust in Him, and He will accomplish it." Psalm 37:5
"Didn't I command you: be brave and courageous? Do not be terrified and do not be alarmed;
for the LORD your God is with you in all that you shall do.” Joshua 1:9
God bless Margit Kresin

Donatation and Support
Message of Faith is run by us on a voluntary basis. Even if we know that GOD is our provider, we would be very happy if you would like to contribute something to the travel expenses, the coffee fund, the costs for technical equipment or accommodation costs. This can be done through PayPal or directly through a Bank Transfer.
We are grateful if you accompany us in prayer.
Our bank connection
IBAN: DE06 4905 0101 0041 3507 60
Sparkasse Minden-Lübbecke
Purpose: Donation for ...

More than 2000 years ago, Jesus walked this earth - and promised:
I return.
How will that be and how will it happen?
I pray daily that many more people will find Jesus Christ, who was killed on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead on the third day, and will accept his way of salvation. God loves us people of the world so much that he gave his only begotten son as a sacrifice that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Jesus is coming again soon, this time as a great king. He takes his kingdom here on earth. His close successors support him in this. You have pledged to be a part of Jesus' great army.
I wish that we can reach many more people through the message of faith, that we can awaken the Christians who have become lukewarm, that we will become followers of Jesus who are passionate about him and together with him we will reach the goal - eternal life in his kingdom .
We are living in the end times and Jesus calls to us:
"Wake up! I'm coming soon! Repent, repent. Keep the ten commandments (Exodus 20) and follow me!"
It is natural that we turn to spirituality during times of joy, sadness and other intense emotions. As I learned to channel this connection with through Jesus Christ, God's Son and our Savior, on a daily basis regardless of my emotional state, my life became so much more meaningful.
I founded Message of Faith in 2019 to help others find and integrate Jesus, who himself said he is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), into their spiritual life. Since then, the blog has grown more than I could have ever imagined. I'm glad you stopped here on your personal journey and I hope it guides you on your way.
Interested in making your own contribution? (as a Guest or as Member). just text me (Contact)

The team

Margits Story
"Life is a journey."
My journey began in November 1960 in Mariental, Namibia, then known as South West Africa. Due to my father's job we lived in many different places or on the construction sites in large caravans. We lived in Windhoek, Tsumeb, Swakopmund, in Owamboland and later we moved to South Africa, where we found a short home in Pinetown, Durban, Johannesburg and Pretoria. After my studies and two years as a primary and secondary school teacher, I moved to Germany for four years and then back to Windhoek. After a few years, however, it went back (finally?) to Germany. But here, too, the transition continued. I lived in the north and south of Germany and now finally in North Rhine-Westphalia.
I'm always gripped by an inner restlessness. I want to travel. I need the location changes. When will my trip end? Like all of us, I am on a journey to God, my Heavenly Father. I long to be able to run to Him and cry out, "Here I am! Home at last!"
"Here am I! Home at last! Thank youJesus, that you showed me the way!"
My Education
After school I studied to become a teacher and became a teacher in elementary, secondary and junior high schools. But later I also worked at high school and in adult education.
Bachelor of Arts (Education, German as a Foreign Language, Biblical Studies - Old and New Testament, ...), University of South Africa - UNISA ); 1994
Higher Education Diploma (4-year senior primary education diploma), Pretoria College of Education; 1984
Theological basic course of the VEF in Vechta, 2011-2013
School of Bible Studies at Last Days Prophetic Training College, 2022
Studies on the Book of Revelation at Jesus Ministries Training School, 2020
Studies on The Journey (The Journey from Egypt to Canaan: Exodus; the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua) at Jesus Ministries Training School; 2021
Table of Content
Welcome message
Latest blog posts
Newsletter subscription
2. Messenges & blog posts
3 Gallery. Devotions & Videos
4.About us
Our history
Support / donation
Bank details
The team
Margit's Story
5.Christian discipleship
Our faith
GOD YHWH our Father
Jesus Christ or Yeshua?
The Holy Spirit
The way to God
The Resurrection and Life
surrender prayer
Baptism with water and the Spirit
The gifts of the Holy Spirit
Commit your ways to the Lord
God's commandments
God's rest and holy days
Future with God is secure
Second Coming and Judgment
preparation for the end times
Prayer:our father
Book recommendations
6. Poems, Prayers & More
No matter where you are!(MK)
Under the sun, under the sea!(MK)
I stay tuned!(MK)
I'm with you!(MK)
Get ready(MK)
Help me my God!(MK)
The Miracle of the Pearl(Sören Kahl)
7. Contact & Subscription